Customer reviews and experiences

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“I absolutely loved my first journey with the Aphrodite’s Nightshade Truffle. I felt floaty. The imagery was exceedingly helpful for the work I’ve been doing with Venus lately, and I’m looking forward to more journeys!” ~𝐌.S.

These truffles are beyond amazing. I love going into the woods and eating one of these truffles…sitting and listening to the world of magick around me. A beautiful and wonderful magickal experience. ~ 𝐃𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐝

“My overall experience has been an absolute wonder and delight. The truffles aren't overly sweet and take on the flavor of the plants being used. Ordering the truffles came at the right time. The henbane truffles were truly about reconnecting and refining the "senses." The other truffles I ordered, such as the Sun God and Faerie, tasted heavenly. I'm so grateful you do what you do and I wish you all nothing but many more years of healing, love, and wonder. Never stop.” - 𝐉.G.

"The other day, I was cranky. Sleep deprived. Accident prone. I was intensely missing my mother like I have been for as long as I remember. And —- I was fussing like a child. Where to go... Part of me wanted to hide away and lick my wounds. The other wanted to work until I could not think, could not feel any more. I also wanted to burn through the guilt and the shame I tend to experience when my mother wound is aching. This is when Pan’s Nightshade truffle came to me. The Field shifted already when I didn’t fuss about it and created a makeshift altar space with the help of a Maiden Hair fern that almost didn’t make it. Until I shoved it into a dark corner where it thrives To honor the principle of intentionality which I always do, I decided I could take 20 minutes away from my busy day, and just Be. I could smell the joy of the experience that is Chocolate and Plant Friends even before I unwrapped the truffle: my fourth to try from the Sample Pack.
What followed was as blissful as it was astoundingly pleasurable. Earlier, I have spoken about the shift in the Field around me which happened just as I decided to eat a truffle. As I took my first bite, the energetic quality of the space I was in got even more vibrant and bright and I closed my eyes to travel. I felt a deep sense of relaxation and the the word “thirst” came, almost audibly out of thin air. I intuitively knew that this wasn’t literal but meant more like a thirsting, like after a need or a state I have been deprived of but hadn’t noticed (I keep well hydrated, usually ) Then, I found myself in a liminal space.
I am saying liminal because I could not tell whether I had seen it in a dream or was there in real life. It was a landscape, like a quiet lake in Maine in early September. I was alone, and kept exploring. “What is this place?” “Have I been here?” It was a euphoric experience, while I was fully awake! I was journeying in broad daylight, by this lakeside on my own in Maine in beautiful weather, and a colorful landscape around me. And then another animal guide appeared: Otter - and I went swimming! This lake and swimming in what seemed and felt like warm water, glowing in colors of orange and golds, gave me just what I have been thirsting after. And Otter there besides me, and then leading me into a resting spot after the swim completely revived and rejuvenated me. I am so very grateful for what you have created with these delicacies, Seamus! After only twenty minutes, my entire day had energetically changed. I carried a deep smile for the rest of it, as Pan was playing on his reed flute in the background, and met an old lover in a dream at night. A marvelous encounter! ”

“One day ill write my experience with these profound medicines you've created! All i can say now is- thank you. What these sweet truffles have done for me is nothing short of absolute and pure transformation. Thank you so much. They were able to show me the ultimate bottom of things that were no longer serving me so I could integrate them and work from there. It was like a snake shedding her too tight skin and leaving it instead of carrying it. ” ~ C.O.S.

I just had a second customer tell me that they had a very powerful dream and in the dream someone very important to them gave them an Emporium Black truffle. What’s especially interesting to me is that each person was given the same truffle, The Pleiadian Moon Nightshade Truffle (formerly Compassionate Moon & May Queen truffle). Sounds like it has some serious crossing over medicine. Here is one of those comments, “ I literally had a dream where someone brought me one ( May Queen Nightshade truffle) It was found near the door of my recently-passed grandfather’s room. Interesting dream! I could literally taste it.”

experience ancestors hummingbird magic sun opener datura witchy chocolates nightshades tarot cards emporium black

An anonymous review of our Sun Opener Datura Truffles from a regular customer “Also, wow the (Morning Drum Nightshade Truffle (Formerly Hummingbird)... I ate it before I went to bed and laid there and I felt the most beautiful sensation come over me. I’ve been struggling for weeks with sadness and bounding thoughts... I woke up sooooo fucking happy. Ready to go and do things! It was amazing. I asked the truffle as I rested to help me align with my ancestors and my heart... yay!! " ~ annon

“Last night I tried the Sacred Healer Nightshade Truffle (Formerly Freya's) which was also my first experience with Datura and Brugmansia. I have a healthy amount of fear and respect for Datura because I've read about some very intense and troubling experiences that others have had with the plant. I was reassured that my own experience with these truffles would be nothing like that, but I was still a bit intimidated and I approached with caution. The feelings that washed over me were peaceful and sedative. I felt at one with higher myself and very in touch with my intuition. The divination I performed last night was clarifying and enlightening to say the least. The answers I sought came easily to me and seemed to flow directly from within. Later, the more sedative properties took over and I experienced some of the most restful and dream-filled sleep that I have had in many nights. It was greatly needed. All around, it was an empowering and deeply restorative experience. ❤” ~ T.O.O.

“The unimaginable happened after your sampler package arrived because even though I thought it would take a while for me to reach for the first truffle, the first one called out to me the next day. The Belladonna Rose Truffle. I will never forget this one. I had a pretty challenging day and was intensely feeling the push and pull, the wild ride the whole month of March seemed to have been. Death & birth. Lost at sea but the first signs of shore already showing. And hot & cold. This was my day, and I needed a hug. I needed to be held in a deep luscious embrace. I also distinctly remember thinking, if I fell asleep forever in such an embrace, that’d be okay. You see: I have been having night sweats for the past two months, at least, and my sleep has been affected. I settled with the Belladonna Rose Truffle & a candle & courageously stepped forth. In an instant!, no lie: immediately, my entire being relaxed as I let the truffle melt on my tongue.

My core cleared, and I was bathed in the scent of Rose. And then I felt it. The embrace I have longed for, that deep holding that is sensual yet trust-inducing, inviting, and intoxicating, and so pleasurable one feels like dying and as if for the first time, exhilarated by being alive, taking to wings: I was in it. Just where I wanted to be. I haven’t felt this relaxed and exuberant probably in months, maybe years. It was exquisite. Beautiful. And it filled me up to the brink. I slipped into sleep and dreamed of bleeding with the moon. That night: No night sweats. I woke rested and transformed. And I had an amazing conversation about this embrace with my husband. To be continued. because before the week ended, I consumed two more. I would like to share those experiences too.” ~ anonymous

“I LOVE your exquisite truffles. My headspace changes even having them in the room. I experience a deep, grounded calm I associate with my young and authentic self and the spaciousness that marked my pre-internet consciousness. I’m more available and grounded to myself. I have been enjoying them during these still spring evenings resplendent with young leaves and changing light. I can feel the particles suspended in the air. Just beautiful. Thank you so much.” ~Gabrielle C

“Yes, I finished on New Year’s Day. I ate 4 truffles within the 12 days, and the insights I received about myself and my path were so clear and simple. My past experience of working with plant medicines has been primarily with cannabis and microdosing psilocybin. The nightshades were a completely different experience. Way slower and softer and more gentle. I am excited to try some of the newer ones you've been posting about lately. Thank you again for sharing these plants with us. They feel so sacred and full of love.”

“Hey! I just wanted to say I tried a half truffle for the first time the other day, the Forest Faerie Nightshade Truffle, and it was really amazing. I have experienced all kinds of mind-altering substances but this was different. Something clicked. And something spoke to me. I don't know how to explain it, but a new door was opened. I feel calm, peace, love, at one with myself. Also just feeling everything very strongly. All beautiful things. Wondrous to be alive. Thank you!” ~@slices_of_life7

“I received your beautiful truffles yesterday. I ate the Belladonna Rose Truffle as I feel a sensual connection to her. She wrapped me up in a feeling of movement. I tried to meditate and enjoy my candles and incense, but I could not ignore her pulling me by the arm to venture outside. I live on the River and followed her lead to the sandy banks. The birds were more majestic. The oscillation of the water and sunshine scintillating off the rippling water mesmerized my very soul. I removed my shoes and became one with the sand. The wind caressed my body and tousled my hair. It feels as if the universe kissed my lips. My angel appeared to me and whispered many secrets in my ears. What an awesome experience!” ~@cosmic_river_mystic

“I really enjoyed my work with the Dreamweaver (Dream Garden). It was a nice reset in pulling me back to a place of healing during a stressful transition. And as an added, totally unexpected benefit, it really sparked my creativity to a point where it hasn't been in decades. And even brought my logo to me during a liminal point in my sleep.” ~ earthymommaoils

“Our experiences with your truffles have been sublime. I do breath work before and meditation while waiting for the effects. Then I let them take me in which direction is calling. Frequently it is out in nature.”  ~  Raven and Willow Botanica

“Hey there! So I am definitely leaving a review on your website, but I'll need to articulate my words a little better lol. Your truffles are amazing 👏 tried persephone today! And my meditation was amazing, I was shown some answers that I was looking for, and then decided to take a nap as I was so relaxed. The vivid dreams were amazing and filled with more information! 🤯 I remembered all the dreams! I'll be placing another order this week ! As I know some of my friends were waiting for me to try first ! All I have to say is thank you for what you do!” ~ @thecrystalconnoisseur

“We had planned to enjoy these shortly after they arrived. However, the timing wasn't right and into the fridge they went. Well, fast forward to this past weekend. I meditated with the truffle before eating it. Started with a half and continued meditating. After 20 minutes I finished the other half. We had planned to go out on the property behind ours. Before that, I tended to the altars in our home. The Ancestor altar in particular was very talkative. How to explain the sensations from this truffle. Every single one of my senses were heightened. Colors, sounds, smells - all of it. The woods we walked in were so vibrant and alive with the spirits of the land, plant and indigenous. The whole experience was magical. We look forward to sampling others. It was interesting in the differences of mine and my husband's experiences. I was so relaxed, not a care in the world, and full of energy. My husband was so relaxed he could have gone to sleep. We decided that next time he should only have half. Anyway, thank you for your artistry, connection with the plants, and the magic of what you produce.” ~Raven

“Tasted wonderful and they are a great partner with meditation and trance work. I will be ordering again. Thank you for the little gift you included with my truffle.” ~Edith Birdwell

“I have always been impressed with the truffles created by Emporium Black. They always offer me a wonderful magickal experience!” ~ Dave G.

“Felt like my third eye chakra was getting a workout. Well recommended. The candy was also delicious.” ~Melvin Dunn

“They've definitely helped during meditation which I struggled with a lot. They are so good!” ~Kristen Tollefson

“Today I took the Sacred Healer truffle, and I think this is my favorite of all your truffles I've tried (but I haven't tried Rainbow heyoka yet..). This is the second time I have had this truffle. I have been feeling a bit weary and tired lately, and I have been feeling a deep need to turn inward, as I feel many of us are experiencing now. This truffle took me on an inner journey into the Ocean. First I felt the waves in my energetic/astral body, as if I was in the ocean. I saw a Nautilus guide and some jellyfish. Then I WAS the ocean, or at least a little part of it. This felt amazing! Then I fell deeper into the liminal space between being awake and sleeping and I can't remember a thing, only that I felt very peaceful. When I came to, I had a visual of popping my head out of the waves and I saw Land and I felt like I was supposed to go up there. I felt like I was a Seal. The coastline I saw was high, rough and with dark sand, maybe Scotland or Iceland. Overall it was such a dreamy experience. I feel like my subconscious is trying to coax me to follow the river of time and flow into the ocean and go way, way back, to the beginning of it all, before I was even human.”~ L.J.

“Light, elegant, wonderful treat that I thoroughly enjoyed.  Beautifully crafted. Truly pleasing to all senses.” ~Tammy Gallawa

“Our experiences with your truffles have been sublime. I do breath work before and meditation while waiting for the effects. Then I let them take me in which direction is calling. Frequently it is out in nature.”  ~  Raven and Willow Botanica

“I love the Mother Wolf truffles so deeply! Their plant spirits and gifts are so potent and the experience I last had with Wolf Mother was taking me back to Christ consciousness, to a golden solar egg, to the loving embrace with my inner divine masculine. The experience was profound and not able to be put into words.”~ I.S.

“I split half of a Pan’s truffle with my partner and I set my intention of asking the plants and Pan to strengthen my Craft and revive my love for Magick and it gave me far more than that it grounded me with the great mother goddess of the earth and allowed me peace of mind I haven’t had in many years since battling neurological Lyme disease which almost took my life in 2021. Words are not enough for the thanks I wish to give thank for such love in these medicines. Mush love and good Magick”~mushroom_jesus_2.0

“I absolutely loved my first journey with the Aphrodite’s Nightshade Truffle. I felt floaty. The imagery was exceedingly helpful for the work I’ve been doing with Venus lately, and I’m looking forward to more journeys!” ~Marissa Stein

These truffles are beyond amazing. I love going into the woods and eating one of these truffles…sitting and listening to the world of magick around me. A beautiful and wonderful magickal experience.” ~ David

“I want to make an oath to myself under this full moon under the sign of my fathers birth. I now vow to myself past present and future to redirect my energy, my focus, compassion and magik back inward that I may prosper as I have helped others to prosper, that I may heal as I have helped others to heal, that I may grow as I have helped others grow, that I may taste the fruits of my own efforts from now forward I am the highest priority in my life, and I re-empower myself now and evermore to paint my world beauty full. I hereby sever all attachments that prioritized others over me, I sever the connections that drew more energy than was reciprocated, honoring the lessons but nullifying the contracts with all those who unknowingly or knowingly subjugated my wild spirit or used my magik for their own gain and so it is. I now re-empower myself to cognizance as the sole creatrix of my life, for the highest good of myself and my family, I call in a full circle of supportive nourishing relationships, I call in sustainable sovereign prosperity and abundance in creative and prolific ways, I call in a reclamation of my self respect and power that all these truths will lead the cadence of my happy footfall home, to the land who wills itself to me as our forever home where I will revel in the bliss and beauty of this proclamation made manifest, shining my smile on my children running freely among our wild kinfolk of earth, water and sky as I will it so will it be.” ~ Pixy Nonya (a ritual performed with the truffles)

These truffles, so far out of the three I've consumed, are phenomenally made and even exceeded what I had imagined they would be. I have been going through many transformative periods currently and these entheogens have greatly assisted me in that process! Keep doing what you love because it truly does make tremendous differences for those that are drawn to these medicines!” ~Micah Neptune

“Hi! I am blown away by these truffles. I'm a beginner and have SO much to learn from these plants, but even I can tell that these truffles are top-notch, and you put so much love and care into the work you do. So glad you're out there doing what you do so people like me can learn from these amazing teachers. I just put in my second order (and I'm not even done with my first yet!). Thank you.” ~Tanya

nightshade chocolate truffle varieties

“Hi, Seamus! I just wanted to let you know, your medicines have changed my life. I’ve struggled with treatment resistant depression for my entire life, and after my experiences of deep meditation with these sacred compounds I feel whole again. My desire for intimacy is back and I very rarely feel depressed anymore. I sincerely appreciate everything you do and the love you put into every truffle. Please, never forget the work you are doing is beautiful and appreciated. Once again, please accept my thanks for spreading this knowledge. Blessed be my, new friend” ~ Corey T

“Thank you very much. I am extremely grateful for the experience, start to finish.” ~Chris Burgess

“Amazing packaging, delicious truffles! Excited to try them all!”  ~Kristina Hill

“This truffle was a good one. A night that could lead to anything. Chill enough for good dreaming, but curious enough for exploration. Another delicious and brilliant combo.”  ~Chad Paul

“Hi there! I’ve been wanting to write a thoughtful reflection of my experience with your Belladonna Rose Truffle. The truth is, it’s like nothing I’ve experienced. I decided that I would start with half before the sun came up. About 20 minutes later, it felt safe and like a good idea to eat the other half. I enjoyed the sights and sounds of the birds overhead, the sparkling fresh webs in the grass, and the bugs flitting around appeared magical. I felt very connected to my surroundings and myself. My mind was clear and what came to me were words rather than images. Words that repeated like “grounding”, “warming”, and others or combinations of words repeating that I can’t remember. I wrote a short note to myself that I can only describe as a message reminding me to trust. That day I nourished and loved myself. The next day I was still smiling at my reflection. Loving me. This very special experience connected me to what is beautiful within. A power I was forgetting.” ~Yvette DV

"I have been seeking ways to feel connected back to myself, with my ancestors, and just in general because for a long time I did not want to connect and I did not want to be seen. These truffles have helped me receive messages that I already knew but I have listened for the first time. Becoming more aware. I recently let go of a lot of social constructs from society that have felt like a cage. I have let go of my fear of losing a lot of privilege and been living more authentic. I recently started to identify with my nonbinary journey and being diagnosed later in life with ADHD/ASD. I just wanted to say thank you so much for your knowledge and your work because...I don't know where else I could have started. There have been some really dark things to face, especially with being more sober (I like to think of myself as California sober lol) but I have slept better. I have been able to communicate with my partner better, I have felt a lot of this stuck energy, dark negative energy being let go." ~ 𝐒𝐢𝐞

“Tasted wonderful and they are a great partner with meditation and trance work. I will be ordering again. Thank you for the little gift you included with my truffle.” ~Edith Birdwell

I have always been impressed with the truffles created by Emporium Black. They always offer me a wonderful magickal experience! ~ Dave G.

“Felt like my third eye chakra was getting a workout. Well recommended. The candy was also delicious.” ~Melvin Dunn

“They've definitely helped during meditation which I struggled with a lot. They are so good!” ~Kristen Tollefson

“I just tried my first two recently, and while the experience wasn't overwhelming, they were certainly distinct. The Belladonna Rose Truffle was very tranquil, and I felt it made my meditation feel that much...deeper? It was lovely. Then I tried Aphrodite's Nightshade Truffle, and holy wow! She does not come to play! I got a deliciously languid sense of comfort in my own skin, self-acceptance I am NOT accustomed to, and an overall feeling of...Whoops! As I was saying, Aphrodite’s Nightshade Truffle very definitely spoke to me. I've yet to take my Freya's Nightshade Truffle (now the Sacred Healer Nightshade Truffle) for a spin, but I expect the time will be right soon. I hope I can experience more of these incredible confections.” ~@jennacat74 

“This one felt so good in my mouth! I had hoped to have a relaxing day, enjoying whatever the Forest Faerie Nightshade Truffle meant for me to experience. It wasn't as deep an experience as the one I had with Lugh's Nightshade Truffle (now the Sun King), but it was a beautiful, calm experience. I ate this (truffle) on a quiet Sunday morning and then relaxed in my yoga room, hanging out in my hammock chair overlooking the back of our property and the creek we have. It was a delicious treat. The feeling that gradually came over me was warm, soothing to my nervous system, and then everything became brighter. The music I was listening to moved deeper into my soul and I could feel and hear my ancestors all around me. It was a truly magical experience and I have already ordered more!” ~Michele O'Neil

“Hello and good morning. I just took a hike with the Aztec Sun God (now the Morning Drum Nightshade Truffle). I wanted to reach out and thank you personally for such a wonderful and opening experience. I can only say that I was given a very gentle awareness and crispness to my walk. I hiked a familiar section of woods and had moments of both deep gratitude and profound sadness. I stood in a spot where my son's mother and I used to bring our son and I finally was able to feel the depth of my sadness for those moments to never happen again. However, as soon as they came, a very gentle energy guided my thoughts to understand that as I stand in the winter, the spring is coming and the season has simply passed. I can't tell you how much I appreciate being able to have those moments unfettered by the overwhelming negativity that I have felt.” ~Anonymous

“Hi there! I discovered your shop through an online creator I follow, and purchased a truffle out of a sense of curiosity and hopeful skepticism. After ingesting the "Garden of Self" nightshade truffle, I began feeling incredibly safe, connected, uplifted, and grateful for life. I allowed myself to check in with myself and practice mindfulness. I began asking myself things I had never felt secure enough to ask before, and felt a divine feminine energy which told me that though I took this particular journey solo, I was not and would never be alone in the ways that mattered. Your product allowed me to feel true safety and stability, which is something I am not at all accustomed to, and helped remind me of the self-love, creativity, and passion I have within, as well as the love the universe has for all of its beings. Thank you so much for gifting me with such a beautiful opportunity for reflection. As someone who has been struggling lately, this was exactly the kind of gentle reframe and a change in perspective I needed. I am so excited to explore the other kinds of truffles you offer and continue my journey of growth and potential. Thank you for all that you do!” ~ Mara H

“Hi there! I’ve been wanting to write a thoughtful reflection of my experience with your Belladonna Rose Truffle. The truth is, it’s like nothing I’ve experienced. I decided that I would start with half before the sun came up. About 20 minutes later, it felt safe and like a good idea to eat the other half. I enjoyed the sights and sounds of the birds overhead, the sparkling fresh webs in the grass, and the bugs flitting around appeared magical. I felt very connected to my surroundings and myself. My mind was clear and what came to me were words rather than images. Words that repeated like “grounding”, “warming”, and others or combinations of words repeating that I can’t remember. I wrote a short note to myself that I can only describe as a message reminding me to trust. That day I nourished and loved myself. The next day I was still smiling at my reflection. Loving me. This very special experience connected me to what is beautiful within. A power I was forgetting.” ~Yvette DV

“My truffles were received perfectly packaged and in good condition, internationally. I have had one so far—the datura. A mellow and rich experience. Thank you!” ~Angela Natividad

“Delicious, inimitable flavor. Buttery ganache, delicate botanical woven through. Makes a beautiful gift.” ~Meghan Elison

nightshade truffles candy skulls

“You truly have a beautiful thing here. I recently purchased one each of your vegan truffles. I’ve been waiting for the right time to give it a go and decided this morning was the right time. I chose the Belladonna Rose Truffle. Let me start off by saying the past few years mentally I have not been too kind to myself. A positive self-image and the idea of self-love have never really been a thing for me. At the age of 36 I’m trying to learn to love my body and myself all over again, which has been a mentally draining experience, coupled with perimenopause. I decided a ritual bath/soak was the route to take. I filled the tub, added some lavender and rose oil bath soak, cleansed my space, and asked the spirit of belladonna to heal me and open me up to such things. I ate the truffle and relaxed my muscles and mind. I started off with breath work, and soon the warm feeling of calm and peace washed over me. The deeper my breath, the deeper I went into my mind. I felt her with me, guiding me, urging me to let go of my hangups and to live in the here and now, to love me and to be proud of who and where I am in life. I felt her love. Thank you so much for this wonderfully delicious sacrament and experience. I am looking forward to trying the other three.” ~ Brandy Witt

"Thank you so much for the beautiful truffles, I'm blown away by the extreme care and attention to detail that went into just packaging them! I tried an Aphrodite and went wandering in the woods where I followed a hawk and ended up finding a tiny patch of wild henbane in a dry gully. 🖤💚💜 Thanks for enhancing the magic, I look forward to trying more of your delicious truffles (I was expecting them to taste more medicinal), and trading with y'all again. 🙏" ~ Gab B.

“Such a wonderful experience! I have been connecting to Datura in my dreams before I placed an order with Seamus. When my order arrived ( promptly I may add! ) I could feel the energy from the box as I opened it. Just wow! Beautifully wrapped and handcrafted plant medicines. I was deeply drawn to the Freya's nightshade truffle (now Sacred Healer) to start, so I set my self-time aside to work that one first, I drank plenty of water, making sure my head was clear. As I ate the truffle I asked for plants to communicate with me in my dreams and let them know i was open to receiving and learning. I do a lot of dreamwork and connect to my guidance team in dreams. That night I traveled to see other lifetimes, with glimpses of gardens from other realms. Smelling the sweet aromas of Datura, receiving Healing energy from her petals, waves dispersed to areas of my spirit, strands of codes, memories, and knowledge seeped into my energy body.

I was shown a garden with the core of my heart..

shadowy parts of a thick garden that had luminescent moss and night-dwelling owls out for a hunt. Other parts of the garden had tall dogwood and oak trees intertwined and made an archway to space. At the front of the garden was an Iron gate on the other side was a child's shadow peering back at me. When I awoke I felt an afterglow to my mood, I felt upbeat, energized.. I truly felt like energetic signatures that I needed to be released and with that.. had assistance from the truffles. I have been working with different entheogens, herbs, energy medicine throughout my life and I must say these are well received!” ~ Lana 🐝

Each of the truffles tasted AMAZING. I don't even have a huge sweet tooth, but these are true delicacies. The love and passion are evident in each bite. The packaging was perfect. The clever label reminds you this is *not* from your average bakery! The order arrived very quickly & the customer service & attention are outstanding. Highly recommended!” ~Tyler Neely

“My overall experience has been an absolute wonder and delight. The truffles aren't overly sweet and take on the flavor of the plants being used. Ordering the truffles came at the right time. The henbane truffles were truly about reconnecting and refining the "senses." The other truffles I ordered, such as the Sun God (now Morning Drum) and Faerie, tasted heavenly. I'm so grateful you do what you do and I wish you all nothing but many more years of healing, love, and wonder. Never stop.” - Jeremy Guthrie

“Sure is something special when a truffle by @emporiumblack13 can inspire a short little story...

I had the pleasure of meeting the fly agaric goddess (Key Keeper Nightshade Truffle). She dwells in the deep dark down there. She traverses various tunnels traveled by the Faeries, twisting and turning, on and on, under the surface of our world.

You wouldn’t know her age by looking at her, perhaps she is indeed ageless because time is the least of her concerns.

But wouldn’t you just know it! She is kind! And very welcoming. Her warmth immediately made me trust her even though she beckoned me further and further into the depths of the earth. It was so dark but she hovered over me the whole time, watching out for me, championing me through my panic and anxiety and all the horrors that confronted me down there.. and because of her presence I did not fear. I could look at everything as it is, without the superficial worries that exist above. Problem solving became natural and humbling. As we walked further through the winding craggy underbelly I started to wonder if it would ever end so I asked the goddess, “how do we get out of the darkness?” And she bluntly told me, albeit with a loving smile, “You grow.”

And so it was then that we both began to travel upward from the abyss and break through the soil to greet the sun.” ~ @ohyouspoopythings

“Hello! I placed an order for the Black Henbane Truffle, the Egyptian Henbane Truffle, and the Belladonna Rose Truffle, and all three varieties were amazing and very different experiences. “My most favorite was the Belladonna Rose Truffle. My experience was truly liberating. I have not felt as free and fully present in my body in such a luscious, delicious, and powerful way in a very long time. The journey brought me to a place where I now understand and am clear about my purpose - to stand with others as they look into the void and face their own fears and turn their own dragons into allies.

This clarity came to me during my time with Belladonna Rose Truffle, and for that, I am grateful to you and your work. The Belladonna Rose Truffle uncovers the complexity, bravery and wholeness I had hidden away for far too long. Thank you.”

“Although I haven't had many of the intense images others have described when using the truffles during meditation I have to admit I have an incredibly hard time letting go of my rational mind and daily distractions when trying to meditate. One of the reasons I decided to try the truffles originally was so I might have an easier time getting all those voices in my head to shut up long enough for me to hear the silence. They have helped tremendously in that area. The facilitated circles are now making it even easier to shut out the "real" world and concentrate on hearing what the plants are trying to tell/teach me. I have the feeling that one of the lessons (not quite the word I'm looking for but it will have to do for now) they are trying to get me to understand is that it is ok to take care of myself first. That is an exceptionally hard thing for me to do on a regular day so having the help and energy of the group in a facilitated circle at a time set aside just for the ceremony is so helpful in getting me relaxed enough to listen to what the plants are saying. Just the depth and richness of the chocolate used in the truffles is enough to get me started on the path to meditation now but the plants add that extra oomph to be able to get to where I know I am heading. A little further down the path towards their voices in each ceremony which for me is nothing short of miraculous.” ~ Cindy O

The first (Facilitated) ceremony I attended was 2/11/23 and the amount of heart and soul that was poured into these meetings was absolutely wonderful. When I had finally decided to try the truffles for myself, the way I had wanted to share them with others was directly in this format, as a guided meditative experience in which one has the opportunity to listen to the messages of the plants, the soul, and the whole world. This is exactly what it feels like to be in circle with Seamus and Brighid Rose. The energy raised is palpable, the support is genuine, and the awareness of the plants as Ancestor and Other is alive in the moment. My ability to tap into messages was amplified and moved faster than I was expecting. The effects lasted into the evening of the first ceremony and even the following day during a panic attack, I was able to lean into the lingering connection of Mother Wolf and find comfort. 

The second ceremony I attended was on 2/18/23 and if I thought they would all be the same, I was again pleasantly surprised. Sky Dancer left me with images of nature spirits frolicking through the sky while visiting with the Prototaxites, the ancient and massive mushroom forests, that we have only seen through archeological findings. I was shown an image of the comets raining down upon the earth during such an ancient time that humans may not have even been on the planet yet. There were other messages that I am still piecing together and absorbing. The depth to which my meditative state delved was far deeper and much calmer after this second experience. It left me wanting to talk, share, and connect more deeply. It left me wanting to do art and create expressive pieces that share the energy of the cosmic consciousness that we have all visited. This was absolutely beautiful and I am left very excited and ready for the next journey we take together. - Stephanie W

“I have eaten half at a time for nature walk or sometimes inevitable housework. Letting the chocolate melt slowly in my mouth, to connect myself with the plant. What Emporium Black says is true. I always have a moment of either euphoria/mind opening experience to take pause. It literally feels like the plant is saying hello with a big hug! It’s a lovely feeling.” ~ quenivere8

Aphrodite’s Nightshade received GLOWING reviews from my January ceremony. So connective, gentle, loving, and sensual. I’m sure the Sacred Healers will support the energy of this group perfectly. 💜”  ~ Monika W

“I had an unexpected, quite similar experience while I did the Wolf Mother truffle a few days ago. I started singing in an intuitive, unknown language (Fae language? I don't know..), in which the feeling of the tones and the vowels was more important than the 'words'. It was a beautiful moment of voice liberation and I had the best cry ever because of it😂. The plants can really draw this out and guide you in this.” ~ Veder Massage

“I love your work. The quality and craftsmanship of each truffle is honestly unparalleled. I will be signing up for a ceremony after payday.” ~ From a comment on Instagram

“Seamus’s 1/1’s have been such a treat ❄️ he is an excellent guide!” ~ Adrie

You are amazing!! I love your truffles, I love the company and its values, I love the people behind this incredible business and mission ❤️❤️  ~ From a comment on Instagram

“I've been hesitating posting this bc I don't often share myself in this way. The internet gets weird ideas about bodies and entitlement. But this was a moment of body worship for me.

I had eaten a datura/jasmine truffle from @emporiumblack13new not knowing what to expect. The plants were insistent that I get into my body and find a way to fall in love with it. They helped me channel play, sensuality and an energy that felt decidedly fae.

Body image is such a tender subject. The last time I posted something like this was years ago and someone tried to shame me for it and it got pretty charged. It may happen again, but I don't think I truly mind. Bodies are beautiful. We are all so beautiful, period.

I hope body worship finds its way into your day, week, month, or year. Love y'all. Also get you some nightshade truffles, they are 🔥”  ~ Nimue

“Some of the greatest and most eye opening realizations have come to me with your help. I got an advent calendar before October and a lot has happened since then. Both a lot of loss, and a lot of gain. But for what they have taught me and allowed me to reopen a part of my old self and inner child again slowly both with the help of the truffles, and the tools included in the advent calendar as well as myself ofc. They are truly an amazing journey that I was eager to both try, and very grateful to experience. You do wonderful work here and i'm sorry it got me this long around to express it. Greatest of blessings to you, and everyone on the team. You do great jobs. Can't wait to buy another box. ~ From a comment on Instagram

“I found your shop through a divinely-timed ad on Instagram, and I just wanted to share my experiences with you. These plants have helped me open my heart to accept love, something I've been working towards for the past few years. 

They've helped me tap into my higher self in such a compassionate way. It feels like for the first time in a long time I can see myself clearly, and it's such a gift. I never imagined that there were plants in our backyards that could give that experience. 

I'm so thankful that you took the time to learn how to work with the plants and share that gift with us. Also, the truffles you craft from them are delicious. It makes me wish you sold them plain, just for the enjoyment of eating them lol.

Recently I ordered the big advent calendar and I unwrapped them all at once because I wanted to have a variety of plants to work with through October. The love and care with which every little box and its contents were assembled made it a great experience.  

My favorite inclusions are the seeds and dried flowers because of the peace of mind that comes from knowing they are from a plant that was well cared for. I also love the spell bottles and medicine charms-- actually, I guess I love everything! I just really feel like your products are revolutionary and I've been recommending them to everyone I know. 

Thanks again for everything you do!”  ~ J Kearns

“I just wanted to tell you guys I could not wait.  I was too excited.  The box (Advent Countdown Calendar) kept staring at me, so I ended up opening most of the boxes.  I left like three of them for myself to open up later.  But I couldn’t help it, so I just wanted to tell you guys that I am so insanely blown away.  You all did an incredible job curating this box.  I mean all of the different…the full Amanita muscaria mushrooms and the full Datura flowers and the Belladonna flowers, I even got some berries.  The truffles, I cannot wait.  I read through all of the information of each of the truffles and I can’t wait to experience each one.  This was seriously the most exciting package that I ever have ordered in my entire life.  I was expecting it to be amazing, but I was literally squealing like I was a giddy schoolgirl or something the entire time I was opening it.  I honestly wish I would have filmed me just opening it.  I was just so thrilled.  I am so excited to use all of these sacred plants and to experience all of these truffles.  I just wanted you all to know that you all are amazing and I love what you guys are doing and I’m a thousand, million, quadruple billion times just blown away by this advent calendar.  I’m just blown away.  I can’t even really express to you how amazing this is.  You all thought of something absolutely just magnificent for us to enjoy.  Thank you so so much.”  ~ Black Witch Aveline

“Tried the Vision Quest Nightshade Truffle (now the Liminal Swan Nightshade Truffle). Tasted great and worked amazingly.”
~Crystle Loomos

“I LOVED mine (Belladonna Rose Truffle)!!! I felt like a million bucks on a cotton candy cloud after I ate it! I absolutely plan on buying more!” ~KGW

Great products and great experience. The items came in perfect condition and the shipping was fast. Will order again. Thanks, guys!” - Matthew Dillingham

“(Belladonna Rose Truffles are) one of my favourites. The taste is outrageously good. For me, the experience was gentle, loving, sweet, heart-opening. Thank you for creating these offerings.” ~Ciar

“Hi Seamus, happy full moon! I know I revealed a bit about my anxieties to you before. Well, I got a strong message that tonight I should acquaint myself with the Belladonna Rose truffle. Because I have such immense anxiety around ingesting things and how they may interact with my body, she guided me to begin with just a small bite. That way there could be no overriding of anxiety about some horrible physical effect. So I had probably about 1/4. And perhaps that’s arguably not enough to have an experience, but I have in fact had an experience. 

In the back of my mind I was worried that she would be harsh with me because of my deep seated fears. But I’ve been crying at how gentle and kind she is. She’s so tender. She told me that I don’t have to ingest a lot at a time to connect with her, the little bit counts and was a big step. She told me I’m brave. She even helped me to laugh at my anxiety and reframe it as “an overabundance of zest for life.” We’re getting weather here so I was concerned because I’ve had a migraine brewing and I didn’t know what to expect for how I would feel. But even that small amount drained the tension from my face and is helping me feel better. 

I just feel really loved. It bums me out that she has such a nefarious reputation and that there’s so much fear mongering around her. Her kindness and grace is extravagant. We’ve agreed that when I’m for sure feeling totally well, I’ll try more. Hopefully tomorrow” - J.Jascha

Aphrodite's Nightshade Truffle from my beautiful friends at Emporium Black is quickly becoming one of my new favorites! This truffle is made with a lovely blend of mandrake, datura, blue lotus, damiana, ashwagandha root, hibiscus, lavender, and apples. The chocolate is delicious and smooth (as always), and the aphrodisiac effects of the damiana and blue lotus certainly don't go unnoticed! Mandrake and ashwagandha pair delightfully together to create a gently euphoric and uplifting mood-boost. I'm feeling so thankful for this beautifully sacred plant medicine and the people who make it accessible with their specialized knowledge and skills.” ~ Krista

“I enjoyed the truffles thoroughly. I ate half and was overcome with warmth and peace I haven't had since before Afghanistan so I ate the other half and had a great experience.” ~ Anonymous

“Your magical truffles were a hit! You can taste the intention & love that you put into your craft. Thank you for going above & beyond to make sure they got to us on time and perfectly intact. It was great being able to tap into some beautiful plant medicine during the retreat. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️” ~ villalobosvitality

“Both the Garden of Self and Dream Walker (now Dream Garden) were a wonderful experience. In short, Garden of Self was all love, waves, flight, connection, being carried by many hands and plants. Dream Walker took me into the earth, where I felt my inner Fire, and met an ancestor. Both shared so many insights, personal and universal.

Your truffles truly bring about transformation and growth. I've started reading up on the völva, Freya and the Seidr path; my ancient ancestors from north-western Europe, and for the first time, I can feel them so close by. So much is starting to make sense. 

Again, thank you so much for your beautiful truffles, please never stop making them!”  ~ Lisbeth

“I ate a Rainbow Heyoka truffle and felt I should go for a walk. About an hour into the walk I decide to ask out loud if anything at all was walking with me. I then said “..if so can you give me a sign?”

As I end my sentence I look ahead of me after passing under a tree. I found myself staring at a giant rainbow crossing the sky in front of me. I was not expecting that. I laughed to myself.  It felt right.”  ~ Mehr T.

“I have tried 6 truffles and just ordered 6 more. Every time I have questions, I come on here and you answer exactly what’s on my mind! I’m slowly learning to meditate, which is one of the messages I received. I save the box tabs of each truffle I consume and write a note of my thoughts. My next order comes Thursday and I picked these 6 out myself. So excited for this healing journey I’m on. ❤️”  ~ Christine N

“I tried the belladonna truffle and had an intense experience! I didn’t expect anything to happen. It started with a feeling of going deeper, and I had gentle visions of the Underworld and saw the belladonna in her beautiful and dangerous glory. I was then faced with my own anxieties and saw how my own self-criticism was destroying my solar center (belly area). It’s a feeling I’m so used to that I didn’t realize how toxic it was and how much it was depleting my life force energy. The whole experience felt very safe and I was delighted with the care and energy that was put into these delicious truffles. Thank you so much!” ~ Elizabeth Dreamweaver

“I had the most wonderful night of restful sleep a few hours after eating one of these (Belladonna Rose). I can’t remember the last time I’ve felt so safe and peaceful at night.” ~ Erin B

“This truffle (Belladonna Rose) was pure Love. One of my favorites.” ~ Nita R

“I have had beautiful soft experiences with your Datura truffles. Deep conversation with her provided understanding and a shift to open my heart with ease that hadn’t been there previously. Love your truffles❤️” ~ Kim J

“This is my review for the Egyptian henbane and honey truffle. While Garden of Self lifted me up, and Dream Walker took me down into the earth to meet an Ancestor (who I now believe to have been a Völva, and the experience has now led me to explore the path of Seidr), Egyptian henbane took me nowhere. Instead, it was like she was saying "we're not going anywhere, We're staying here to take a good look at yourself" I stayed in this world, examining the state of my own energy body. In particular the Heart area was feeling quite painful. The energetic pain was made physical, I could actually feel it. Henbane helped me toss the energetic rock that I had placed there, which was blocking the heart energy. We then restored the Heart, since it felt very raw and exposed, by covering it with bits of moss. (Not really, of course, but in my mind's eye). Then I was able to feel my heart energy in its full potential, moving within my body and outward, which was absolutely wonderful and lush. Then, I was given the name Moshart, which is Dutch for Mossheart. I don't know who gave it to me. But someone made it clear that this was my new name, or second name. Egyptian henbane was a bit of tough love for me, but an important part of the process. Afterwards, I felt very happy and lighter. Again, thank you so much for your beautiful truffles, thank you for sharing this with the world. The medicine that these plants can offer is really needed.” ~ Liesbeth V.

“(Belladonna Rose Truffles) taste so delicious and I spent a day at the beach last week reconnecting to the water which had held a deep and somewhat hidden fear for me alongside the wonderful influence of this DELICIOUS plant medicine love bomb 🧜🏼‍♀️💫💛” ~ JLW

“Very tasty, Nice and warm feeling a few minutes after ingestion. Clear minded and very relaxed. Helped greatly with meditative practice.” ~Duncan Barbour


These truffles are beyond amazing. I love going into the woods and eating one of these truffles…sitting and listening to the world of magick around me. A beautiful and wonderful magickal experience.” ~Dave G.

The truffles are delicious and my experience has been wonderful. Every one has imparted a different energy to me but it has been such an interesting path and one that I’ve only just begun. I would definitely recommend that you try them if you are curious and trust what the plants and this shop have to share.” ~Yvette D.

I am so very happy that I found your lovely shop! I am still out here in Nebraska and brought a few boxes with me. I found this beautiful area with trees and a running stream of water. I brought a quilt that my mother had made for me when I was in her womb. I had brought the "key keeper nightshade truffle" with me and had wrapped up in the quilt and propped up against a large tree by the stream. I ate half and it melted in my mouth!! So delicious and rich! I have never tasted anything so earthy and luscious! I began to get chills on my arms. I couldn't resist eating the whole thing! So you don't know me and my chocolate urges! I have never felt so relaxed and soothed. The sound of the stream and the trees blowing in the air, all the stars in the sky! It was euphoric! The next thing I remember is waking up and I was completely laying down with the quilt on top of me! Covering my body. And at my feet there were 5 rounded, flat rocks one on top of the other!! Perfectly aligned in size!!! I wasn't sure what to do at that point! And I know that I didn't do that!! I basically couldn't move. But I slowly got out from under the quilt. I stood up and I grabbed my purse for my buck knife!! But there was no one around. I felt like I was in a movie! But I am here telling you this wild thing that happened to me. I don't know what happened that night and I will definitely never forget it. So I will never forget Emporium Black!! For the wild ride. I am 1/3 Cherokee so I am a true believer in my people. Maybe they came to me that night. My mother was 1/2 Cherokee and 1/2Incan. She always told me that she was the one that would always hold on to the keys to my heart because I was her baby (the youngest) and that when it was my time to go to the other side the key would still be safe with her and she would be waiting for me. Thank You Guys!!!! I will definitely be ordering again!!!!! And maybe you can make some sense out of what the hell happened that morning!! XXXOOO ~ Samantha

“Hi Seamus, Just wanted to say I finally got the chance to try one of the Aphrodite’s Nightshade Truffles, and it was a truly gentle, loving, inner-eye-opening experience. There was a burst of warmth and heat when the medicine began to take effect, and my subsequent meditation was incredibly deep. Throughout the night, thoughts and insights frequently presented themselves in a colorful three-dimensional format, and when I finally went to sleep, I had unusually vivid and pleasant dreams. I can’t wait to try the rest of them at the right time. Thank you so much!” ~Miss Steorra

“Every truffle that I got to sample has its own unique aroma and flavor; I honestly found each one to be irresistible in its own way. I have had a couple of very profound experiences with your truffles, and even if I don't have a miraculous epiphany the effects are almost unexplainable in the way they relax and calm a restless mind and spirit. I can slow down my chaotic tornado of thoughts and focus on what I need and how to improve myself and my relationships to others. Always absolutely positive, it's amazing. Thank you. I have two remaining, and they will be put to good use.” ~Erica N.

“I ate half the truffle last night and almost immediately felt a warmth and serenity wash over my whole body. I got in the shower and sat with my eyes closed, feeling a real peace I haven’t felt in years. Very close on the heels of that, I heard the voice of the spirit of Ashwagandha (I’m not even sure if Ashwagandha is in the Dreamer truffle, but that’s how she introduced herself). She gave me some very important and enlightening information regarding personal things I’ll leave secret. She then told me to lay on my bed and sent me very vivid and informative dreams until 2am when I snapped awake and had to get some actual sleep for work in the morning lol!

I ate the other half when I got home from work today. Again, I quickly felt that warm peace set in and sat down to study my tarot book. I grew bored of that relatively quickly and felt the need to move. I got up (I felt light and energetic and ready to be productive but that may have been the mushroom coffee too lol) and started folding my laundry. As I worked, I found myself singing (as I do often) but this time it was different. I was singing a song that hadn’t been written yet. I slowly realized that I was coming back into touch with my muse connection that I had so strongly as a child. I sang a whole, unwritten song today. It flowed from my mouth like fine wine and I only lost the connection when I started trying too hard to be perfectly accurate with the notes. For that, I will always be eternally grateful to you and the plant spirits. So thank you, Seamus and Brighid, for your wonderful truffles!” ~Jayson Hyde

“It’s always a pleasure doing business with you. Just one truffle in from my new batch and I’m already more present and had more vivid dreams, more introspection without looping negative thought patterns. Key Keeper Nightshade Truffle is my favorite of yours at this point in life, I think. I am surprised how often your truffles make their way into the dreams when I have one. Nothing else that I handle in a day will have so much of an impact like that. It definitely feels like the spirit of the plants know their mode of transportation was a truffle and like to show themselves with that symbol.” ~Mehr T


“This was my first time trying a nightshade truffle / working with nightshades in this way and it was such a beautiful experience for me. Thank you!” ~Brooke

“Absolute MAGICK. I've been dabbling in plant medicines for quite some time now, but this was my first experience with Seamus' truffles and I have been blown away. I was instantly taken in by the plants and given such beautiful downloads with ease and comfort. Thank you so so much for this sweet medicine. I will definitely be getting more and recommending to others!” - Hannah Gordon

“I have been a real fan of your creations ever since I found out about them. The first time I looked on your website, I remember my excitement about learning what plant was featured and included in each truffle and I simply could not decide which one to try, so I ordered your sampler. Once that was done, I know my heart was very noticeable in my chest. I wondered for a second about what I had done. After all, some of those substances from the plants could be “dangerous” and started to eagerly await the arrival of my first package from you. Every single detail, every gesture convinced me when it did arrive that I gave myself a gift by trusting you and your descriptions. Each individual truffle is beautifully tucked away in its own box, wrapped into a piece of emerald green wrap, tied with a thin thread of hemp string - so many signs of care! This already sets the process of meeting what’s in there into motion and it’s hard to put into words just how pleasurable that is! The other thing that happens is time slows down and even stops, and one gets into engaging in a ritual. That’s how I like to do it - give my truffle proper attention and space so I can fully meet with the energetic qualities they carry. Each and every one of them have given me so much. I used to journal about my journeys with them, they were so special. And by engaging with the variety the sampler of each flavor allowed, I really got a sense of your trade. It is clearly very high quality and of impeccable integrity. I have been delighted to see the flavors grow in numbers. My latest favorite is the Dream Walker Nightshade truffle. I had one last night to honor the New Moon in Aries. I haven’t met this one yet. Again, the process of savoring its name, the unwrapping, the drop-in that comes when it’s time to meet the truffle, touch it, smell it, look at its details - the colors, the substance, the little skull on top - and then we go in. Luscious, luxurious, bringer of bliss and dreams. No matter the occasion, with the right set and setting these truffles deliver. Thank you for bringing them to the World and raising awareness about what the plants that have inspired them can do.” ~Z.M.


I purchased these truffles as a birthday gift for my husband, back in March. Life got in the way and the timing was never right until now - end of August. We removed Persephone’s Nightshade Truffle from the freezer, brought it to room temp and split it between us just before bed. (He’s kind) It was sooooo lovely. We were relaxed and there was a sweetness vibe that just let us drift off. Dreams were vivid, active, and informative. We awakened refreshed and feeling like we’d had a beautiful adventure. We have others to try but, we’ll be back for more of these. Thank you for what you do! ~ A & D, Milwaukee, WI

“Seamus - I just finished the last of the package of truffles that Tristen got me for Christmas. I’d been selecting them from the bag, leaving which one I drew to chance. The last was a Forest Faerie Nightshade Truffle which I’d decided, fittingly, to eat on the vernal equinox. My ritual has been to salute the plants in the truffle before consumption, thanking them for their life and their energy, then asking them to bless my body and open my mind to their teaching. On Sunday, Cernunnos also got a hail before consumption. As I’ve rationed these truffles the past three months, I’ve received profound and dramatic insights into my life, my relationships, and the world in general. I realized that the idea I’ve had for years for a book was an idea in the wrong direction which is likely why it had gone nowhere. I was inspired to write about things that I knew firsthand, and now *that* book has been flowing out of me, even though the entire genre and setting changed. I just wanted to share this and to thank you for making these teachers readily available.” ~guillermo_del_sin

“Yesterday I was able to discover that your chocolates can connect me to the perfect state of mind needed when carrying out what I was viewing as disagreeable tasks growing from seed. Monday night I was checking out my Egyptian henbanes from my 2nd planting, and they needed to be replanted. I really wanted to wait for them to get a little bigger before doing this but without good space and depth they're not going to do as well as I'd like. So, in typical fashion, I spent a couple days in avoidance and comparing pics (yours here are very helpful), studying, etc. Yesterday I decided to eat 1/2 of my May Queen (now the Pleiadian Moon Nightshade Truffle). I'd saved before eating anything in the early morning. I got my tools, soil, etc together, and studied my little babies and planning my task. I have always been very fond of all my little seedlings from the very first moment I saw them putting out those teeny roots, but this feeling deepened to love  all throughout me. These little plants have kept me busy, given me something to look forward to, and so much happiness during a period of time when depression has so completely overtaken me. This was so much help because before I didn't want to have to thin these Egyptian henbane out, because it involves allowing some to die. But yesterday I could see clearly who was struggling and it was a mercy to let them go. Anyway, this went very smoothly, everyone who was moved has plenty of room/depth, two who I moved look like they might not make it, but that's ok. I was really able to concentrate, which is a little hard for me doing things that are important to me, and I didn't have any major screw ups. Still have the other half of the May Queen (now the Pleiadian Moon Nightshade Truffle); didn't feel like I needed the whole one. I'll do a couple pics when it looks like everyone is settled. Ended up removing 6 that needed to go. Anyway, thank you for your help and everything! Sorry for my lengthy stories.” ~Anonymous

“Henbane is quickly becoming one of my favorite poisonous nightshades to work with. It never fails to bring me an optimistic perspective, along with general feelings of happiness and relaxation. I've found myself in need of some cheering up lately and this plant has helped to give me a more positive outlook. I have plans to grow my own Black Henbane this fall and I'm looking forward to experiencing what this plant teaches me in the future.

Also, I just have to mention how fucking delicious this truffle is. Even as someone who regularly enjoys chocolate with cacao percentages in the 90s, I absolutely love the sweet honey taste of this chocolate. I think this truffle just might be in my top 3 favorites from Emporium Black when it comes to taste. That's some tasty plant medicine right there.” ~Krista

“I can’t believe I put off buying these for so long. So special! Egyptian Henbane was my first night, and she was very sweet and uplifting. Datura sort of chewed me up and spat me out in the most loving way possible, just with half. Honestly, my desire to experience datura was what drew me to your page. I was nervous after all my initial readings on it, but I felt I could trust you - and I was right!  Just wanted to give a big thanks.  They truly are magical!” ~David

“My experience was mystical, playful, and delicious, with the Pan’s Vegan Nightshade Truffle. Very quick and incredible service as well. Thank you, Emporium Black.” ~Sara Wright

“I decided to try working with a new (to me) plant medicine in the form of nightshade truffles from Emporium Black. The first one I tried was the Datura Jasmine Truffle. Within a few minutes, I started to feel heavy in a delicious way, like I was being absorbed into the loving arms of the Earth Mother. All the usual “static” that buzzes around in my head was gone, replaced by a full and deep silence. It was like I finally had my own space to myself without the distractions of mass consciousness tugging at me. And in that silence, I heard (in a felt sense) the voices of my helping spirits & ancestors more clearly than I ever have before.

I did a bone reading, something I have done many times before, but this time, instead of interpreting it through my mind, I could feel the reading coming through my integrated heart-mind. I pressed record on my voice app and just let the words flow, with no doubt or hesitation. I felt both elevated into higher consciousness and profoundly grounded at the same time. I had a true sense of being in all three worlds simultaneously - above, below, and center. The answers that were given to me were simple, easy to integrate into my ordinary human life. This left me feeling relieved that the solution I was looking for was not that far away and would be easier (and more joyful) to implement than I imagined. I feel refreshed with renewed confidence that I have all I need to manifest my visions in perfect timing.”

“I was nervous before I consumed this nightshade truffle. I did not know what to expect or if I should expect anything at all. I decided that I must be brave and do so anyway. The truffle was the most luxuriously decadent chocolate I have ever tasted. If it weren’t for the special ingredients, I could have sat and eaten several of these at once. It was nighttime when I took it so I went on a walk through my quiet neighborhood, listening to beautiful piano music along the way. I have a distinct inability to walk slowly unless forced to do so, but tonight it came to me with ease, grace even. I began breathing much easier than I typically do, and I started noticing everything around me with precision. My natural bloodhound nose became even more sensitive, to the slow rot of the leaves under my feet, to the sickly sweet vinegar smell of fallen crabapples. My spine began to ache and I became acutely aware of how much tension I had been storing in my body, and let it go. I could feel the unconscious, pulsing dreaming of everything beneath me. Yet my mind and body stayed firmly rooted in the physical at the same time. I am not ashamed to say I wept silently, and before my walk ended, I realized that I had been holding my hand over my heart for an unknown length of time. I feel so at peace.

Thank you for the beautiful gift you have shared with us all, Seamus. You have crafted something truly medicinal and healing in a powerful way.” ~@the.lady.ghost

“Of course, Aphrodite--the Goddess of Love--came through these beauties (Aphrodite’s Nightshade Truffles)!! After making some delicious cornbread, popping it into the oven of a newly redone kitchen, awaiting its baking completion and a late winter storm's arrival, my love and I cosied up and made a ritualized late afternoon with these magic truffles. This was our first magick truffle experience as a couple. These truffles are drool-inducing deliciousness!! We followed the instructions and ate half, waited ten minutes and WOW!! Within less than ten minutes, I experienced an immensely pleasurable heightened sensation of clarity and sensuality, an awareness that was felt in my body--chakras wide open--I almost did not opt to eat the other half. My love soon expressed his amazement at the intensity of what was unfolding for him, and he is twice my weight of 85lbs!! We both finished our truffles and listened to sexy music and prepared a meal of all our comfort-food-favourites! Our love was definitely taken higher and higher. Sensuous and decadent!! Long-lasting. We have quite a few more to try!! So, so EPIC AWESOME!! Thank you, Seamus!” ~@dakini.kiss

“Last night I tasted the datura jasmine truffle by Emporium Black and I have something to say. I didn’t know what to expect, so I tried to go in without expectations. The first thing I noticed was the taste. The chocolate was some of the smoothest, buttery white chocolate I’ve ever tasted. The filling was the same except I noticed when I exhaled with the truffle in my mouth I was washed over with the scent of a datura bloom. One of the loveliest and most intoxicating scents I’ve ever had the pleasure of experiencing. In short, it was an extremely delicious confection. I closed my eyes and began to meditate. As often happens when I meditate, I grew sleepy. Fighting the sleep was futile, though I tried. Eventually I gave in and had the most interesting sleep in ages. I woke up a few times, looked around the room. Time was very strange. Minutes were hours and hours were minutes. That’s the best way I could describe it. Then it occurred to me, I seemed to be floating above my body. I wouldn’t say full blown projection or OBE, but I was detached from my physical self for sure, at least to an extent. I didn’t get the answers or communication I intended going in, but the experience was valuable nonetheless. The sense of comfort and almost like a mother’s hug that washed over me was the first thing I felt as I let the chocolate melt in my mouth. It was warm and I was at peace. It even brought a tear to my eye. This will definitely not be my last brush with these delicacies. I reckon as I use more and get to know the plants within more, they will speak to me more.

Last night I experienced something rare. Rare to me anyway. This morning I have clarity in my mind, peace in my heart, and more certainty that as my feet take me down the poison path, they take me in the right direction. Next time I will be sure to eat more lightly beforehand.

I had a great many wonderful feelings from a great magical experience. One which I’m deeply thankful for.”  ~@side.street.witch

“I ordered ten truffles and I’ve had two so far. No adverse reactions to report! I am very cautious. The first time I try a new truffle I only have 1/8 because I’m a bit of an anxious person and I want to make sure I won’t have an allergic reaction. For me, being petite, 1/4 seems to work nicely. With 1/4, I have a nice heavy feeling that comes over me and I can say I wouldn’t be able to operate a vehicle for about two hours after I’ve had the 1/4 truffle. It’s exactly what I was looking for. I’m not a pot or mushroom person, so I was looking for something that I could turn to to relax and go a little deeper. Set and setting are so important, as I’ve read if you have too many distractions around you after having some truffle you may not notice much at all. You really need to allow yourself to pause and be open to the experience. Perhaps if I ate a whole truffle it wouldn’t matter..haha. I have to say, I have a deep respect for these plants. I work with many common weeds/plants as a home herbalist, but I have no experience with the nightshades used in these truffles. I trust the maker of these truffles and I’m looking forward to making another purchase soon! I would be remiss to not add that these truffles are delicious!!!”  ~Amanda Simpson

“I heard about your item through TikTok #parosmia. After my virtually symptom-free COVID diagnosis last year, I now have a later and less known residual effect of COVID, known as parosmia. All smells and 90% of food smells and tastes like rotting dead animal carcass or sewage. A woman on TikTok had the Aphrodite Nightshade Truffle with improvement the next day. I did a ritual with my mother, each eating a truffle whilst performing other ritual actions we felt appropriate. I felt horrible the next day, but since then I do see about a 30% improvement, noticeable! We thought the taste to be smooth and lovely. My mom felt a particular soothing energy the night of the ritual after the truffle. I did buy two other different truffles for future rituals. I’d definitely recommend.” ~Melissa Shelton


“A tale of two truffles: First review is for Brugmansia which I ate on solstice evening. This one has been most potent for me when compared with the 5 or 6 others I have tried in terms of sensory expansion and increased ability to visualize during journeying/pathwalking. There was also the distinct sensation of the plant helping me to probe the depths of my mind, exploring alleys and crevices that I don't use on a daily basis, which gave me the sensation of being able to move my awareness and/or center of consciousness to areas other than my usual, somewhat rigid pattern. I felt as though the plant was helping me learn how to "zoom in and zoom out" at will between the more physical/dense and the more subtle realms, back and forth, back and forth. It was like a gentle, loving third eye strengthening boot camp. Superb. I also was inspired to journey to the depths of my physical body and ended up in a spontaneous yoga/qigong session that helped release a lot of physical stuck-ness. The next morning I attempted some gentle astral projection just to the foot of my bed which I have never been able to do before. I still did not "succeed", but was able to feel a slight movement, accompanied by a flash of light, just before I was snapped back into my body, twice. Guess I am not ready for that skill just yet, but there was progress. This next review is for the henbane truffle taken a few days later. This one was a very noticeable relaxation and softening of body tension. My usual pain and discomfort that I carry around every day became softer around the edges, still present but viewed from a distance. I also had a felt-sense of hearing indistinct melodious music drifting in and out, although my room was quiet. A relaxed focus was achieved. What I have noticed with each truffle I have tried has been some degree of physical and mental relaxation, decrease in pain and tension (such as chronic neck tension, headaches, migraines), increase in quality of sleep, increase of feeling connected to Source, and increased ability to focus but without having to "force" anything. Some truffles feel more physical and some feel more ethereal. It also seems to depend on what I need most that day. If I am dealing with migraine pain or physical issues, I get more physical relief and less visionary effects. If I am feeling well and rested, I am able to dive deep in meditation and pathwork. Every time, the plants just know what I need and I trust the process, and every time has been lovely. What a beautiful gift, these plants and their medicine!! Thank you again for making these accessible. I can't wait to learn more about them over time.”  ~Heidi Van Der Velden

Forest Faerie Nightshade Truffle: “Subtle blueberry flavor. Seamus is a culinary genius. Effect wise, this one felt a little mischievous and I loved it. He hits a perfect balance between worlds. How far you choose to go is up to you, but this truffle is a key. Datura Jasmine Truffle: I'm usually into darker chocolates, but the jasmine flavor is too good to pass up! Datura makes for a smooth experience and a great night of sleep and visionary dreaming if eaten in the evening. Belladonna Rose Truffle: Flavorful with just the perfect amount of rose coming through. Effects are mild but present. In fact, though I was a little uncertain about Belladonna, this truffle ended up being a favorite with a mellow but definite effect on my evening. Seamus brings life into white chocolate like no one else! A good one to sit with on a summer evening while cicadas serenade. Always delicious. Always subtle, but always enough medicine to kick the doors open to peer into the liminal spaces.”  ~Chad Paul

“I ordered the huge Pride Special Heyoka package of truffles. I have tried 2 out of the 17 varieties and already know that I will be a repeat customer. The quality of the chocolate reminds me of creamy and cool truffles from Belgium. The delicate herbal flavors in the truffles are unlike any flavored truffles I've had before, sophisticated and delicate, an amazing experience with a mild herbal tea 💖. The effects (I can only speak of the nightshade truffles so far) were temporary chronic body pain relief, temporary anxiety reduction, clear perspective, some menstrual cramp relief. As I said before, I will definitely be a repeat customer. These are amazing, high-quality gourmet truffles with soul. Order these, have an amazing experience, make some new memories.”  ~Emerald Sites

“I have never been able to follow through so profoundly as I am now on a decision that was for my betterment. After meditating and indulging in this transcendental confection, I find myself upholding boundaries that should have always been in place and loving myself and forgiving myself for past hindrances I have caused my own self. This was the definitive push that I needed and it came at the most opportune moment. I wholeheartedly recommend this delicacy.” ~Jessica Rodriguez

“Love the packaging, presentation, and delicious as a truffle on its own. I skipped dinner and ate it after dusk alone in a quiet room in very low light. The experience was strange and I felt as though I was on the verge of something more surreal about to emerge. I did however have subtle closed-eye visuals that were very different from other entheogens. Less swirling mandala geometries and more weird swinging amorphous velvety shapes and sensations. Also molasses and rippling wheat fields. I’m curious about eating two next time as I’m 6’4”, 210 lbs, but cautious about the mandrake and datura. Overall a pleasant experience.” ~Evan Kaiser

“Light, elegant, wonderful treat that I thoroughly enjoyed.  Beautifully crafted. Truly pleasing to all senses.” ~Tammy Gallawa

“Loved the Datura Jasmine Truffle! You can really taste the jasmine in it. Simply delightful! I will definitely be needing more of these truffles in my life very soon.” ~Marissa Ritter

“The white and dark chocolate of the Sun Opener Datura Truffle (reformulated into The Sun God Nightshade Truffle) complement each other beautifully. I didn't notice any effects while I was awake. I did have a lucid dream later that night and felt happier the next morning. Belladonna Rose Truffle: I've never tasted rose flavor. It was a treat! The effects were euphoric. Nice to eat and go on a picnic.
I love the Fly Agaric Truffles (now the Key Keeper Nightshade Truffle)! I ordered six more to use for meditation. The effects were mildly euphoric with excitability. The chocolate is smooth and it had a light orange flavor.” ~Katy Manhart

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