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Q: Where can I find Seamus’ writings, tips, and suggestions?

A: While you can find answers to many questions on our FAQs page, you can also find a lot more information about the truffles and so much more from Seamus’ writings, short and long, under the Blog tab.

nightshade truffles seamus blog



The Truffles

Q: How many truffles should I eat?

A: With the newer formulas most people agree that one is enough for a noticeable experience. We always suggest starting with just a half of one and then wait 15 - 20 minutes before you decide if you want to consume the second half.

Q: Which truffle is best for me?

A: We always recommend that people empty their mind and read through all of the descriptions with no predetermined ideas of what something should be or overthinking the descriptions. Certain flavors should stick out for no real reason...they're calling to you. In the same vein, different plants may call to us the following week, month or year because we are constantly evolving. Trust your gut, the greatest wisdom and teachings can often come from within. We have now started to add personality profiles by plant as another way to help people find what calls to them most.

Q: Aren’t nightshades like datura and belladonna supposed to be dangerous?

A: Nightshades like the ones we use can be very dangerous when someone’s goal is to try to get high. Our truffles will not get you high and they are not designed to get you high. We put in just enough to gently expand your mind and consciousness without greatly altering it and finding that perfect balance was years in the making. Over 20,000 sold with no reports of adverse reactions or negative experiences.

Q: I have a very sensitive system. Can I still enjoy the truffles?

A: Yes. There is nothing wrong with just trying a small bite of a truffle and waiting approximately twenty minutes to make sure you want to try eating any more. I think most people are surprised when they realize when they do try eating more, that the truffles never lead to overwhelming experiences. The experiences always seem to be gentle, regardless. 

Q: How much of the plant alkaloids are in each truffle?

A: I gradually made the truffles stronger over time. As this whole concept is new it took some time to ascertain what would be the perfect amount to put into each truffle that would give a noticeable and pleasing experience to a large group of people and never be overwhelming but at the same time not necessitate the need for the majority to eat more than one truffle at a sitting to get the desired effect. The truffles are now quite a bit stronger than they were when I first started selling them and the feedback is better than ever with still no reports of adverse reactions or unpleasant experiences with well over 20,000 already sold

Q: I have a high tolerance or lots of previous experience with these kinds of plants. How many truffles can I/should I eat?

A: The plants in these truffles really don’t work in the same way that other substances you may have experienced do. We still recommend starting with half of a truffle and waiting maybe twenty minutes to see if you need more. One really is enough for most people, even for the most weathered journeyers. You can consume up to two, but really, that is usually not necessary. Eating more of these plants will not lead to a stronger psychotropic experience. In fact, I think you’ll find with continued use, it may take less (truffle) to get to that same place which is partially why I don't offer a stronger variety. They are all quite strong as they are now. It just takes a little practice to work with them. When we eat them we are learning to use new parts of our brain and learning to exercise with muscles we've never used before. The more we do and practice these new things, the more proficient and successful we become. There is only so much of the work the plant can do for us. We need to learn how to work with them and that is the part that takes practice.

Q: Can I use these truffles with cannabis?

A: We have had mixed reports from customers as to people’s abilities to pick up on the truffles' subtle influence while using cannabis at the same time. Enough people have said that it makes the truffles harder to feel that it is probably best to take that into consideration if you are a regular cannabis user. Some people just choose not to partake on the day they will eat a truffle and some people will not partake starting a few days before eating the truffles.

Q: Does everyone react the same way to the truffles?

A: None of these truffles are going to be the same for everyone and the experiences each person has with each particular truffle can vary greatly over time. That's because we're working with plant spirits and not drugs. I know it can be hard for people to break free of the drug-think mentality and it's one of the reasons I try to avoid words like 'dose'. We form relationships with these spirits and they can really guide us and help us. Everyone is different so their relationships with each spirit and each truffle with its particular blends is going to be different, and as we continue to grow, the spirits present themselves differently. They understand our needs so much more than we are able to. It's one of the many wonderful things about working with plants like this and a great reminder that the more we keep our minds free of expectations and surrender to the plant spirits, the better our experiences should be. Likewise there are some people who may have to try a few times before they feel the connection with the plants. For whatever reason, this just seems to be an extra hurdle that some have to clear.

Q: If the alkaloid content varies throughout each part of the plant, and from plant to plant even in the same growing conditions, how can the total amount be calculated?

A: As you are alluding to, there are no standards with these plants. Every preparation I make, I have to personally test and adjust repeatedly until it meets my own personal base standard. I then use what I determined to be my standard in my truffle fillings and once mixed in, test it to see if the feel is still correct. I test the filling a few times before portioning by weight as even my own reading can vary day to day, so I am going for what feels right repeatedly. I also have my wife test them a couple of times once I get to those final stages. It is careful and meticulous work that is the result of years of learning & practice. When it comes to these plants, there is no such thing as standard recipes for the public that anyone could follow. This really is a calling that takes years if not a lifetime of commitment and focus.

chocolate nightshade truffles plant oil

Mindful Work


What to Expect

Q: How long will the experience last?

A: The most noticeable part of your experience will happen within the first hour and will continue to gently fade over the next five to six hours, though many customers report a feeling of well being and connectedness that stays with them for days, as well as restorative and healing sleep frequently colored by vivid dreams.

Q: Will I be impaired or heavily under the influence?

A: Our truffles are created for gentle and subtle experiences when working with these sacred plants. Even as subtle as they may be, the first hour is when you’ll feel it at its strongest. We always recommend dedicating that time to listening and connecting with the plants and the truffles and save tasks like driving, etc., for later. In fact the more you pay attention for that first hour, the more successful you’ll be at carrying that awareness for the hours that follow. The majority of the plants we use in these truffles work best and, for many, are safest in carefully controlled amounts.

Q: Will the truffles make me ‘high’?

A: The truffles do not get you high. They gently expand your mind and consciousness without greatly altering it.

Q: Will I feel hungover the next day?

A: No. Most people find they awaken more refreshed than usual.

Q: If I take these at night, will they disrupt my sleep?

A: They shouldn’t. Most people report that they sleep more soundly and have more vivid dreams after eating a truffle.

Q: Will the truffles make me drowsy?

A: The truffles do tend to slow people down and can have a calming and sedative quality. I think for many in today’s world who are used to pushing ourselves so hard, the plants in these truffles help us see just how exhausted we sometimes are and that maybe that is something we need to look at in order to take better care of ourselves.

WHAT TO EXPECT (You can also find this under every truffle’s description)

What to expect when you eat one of our Nightshade Truffles~ I recommend starting by slowly and thoughtfully eating just half of a truffle. Within fifteen minutes you should know if you’ll want the other half. In my experience with these sacred plants (which spans approximately 30 years) the ultimate experiences that we have from ingesting them has much to do with the intent and frame of mind we have when ingesting them. Don’t be afraid to ask them to open your mind to their teachings as you spend some time with your truffle before consuming.


Also, if once you ingest your truffle you try to just go on with daily life as normal with the plant in you, you will miss a large potential for what the experience could have been. The more meditative type of state you can be in after ingesting these, the more powerful the experience should be. Try sitting silently in a comfortable environment or walking or sitting quietly in nature. The more you work with the truffles, the easier it will be to follow their lead. When we find this tranquil space and are open to receiving their gifts, these plants can show us clarity that we have never known, insights that we had never considered, and healing of old psychic wounds. They can create paradigm shifts in our thoughts and behavior. They can thin the veil and help us find doors we never knew existed. They can help us fly and find true freedom. Living on an Indian Reservation for 5 years and being heavily involved with the Native American Church (peyote) taught me a lot of this, but since then I have never met a sacred plant medicine that did not follow what I listed above.


The amount of these truffles you’d have to consume to truly hallucinate is not only very large but a lot of these plants can be quite dangerous at that level and the hallucinations are often not the enjoyable kind. These plants are more visionary. They can help us achieve a gently altered state where we can have closed-eyed visions and powerful insight, but it’s something we work with the plant to achieve and need to be in more of a meditative state to even experience. If there are distractions around you’ll probably just feel more of a pleasant and milder euphoria with most of them. The quieter your mind & the more you can let go of control, the more you’ll get from the truffles.


Keep in mind that experiences will vary (more on this elsewhere). It took some time to ascertain what would be the perfect amount to put into each truffle that would give a noticeable and pleasing experience to a large group of people and never be overwhelming but at the same time not necessitate the need for the majority to eat more than one truffle at a sitting to get the desired effect. Please be well hydrated before you eat our Nightshade Truffles and never share these truffles with minors. Please check out the rest of our blog and “Reviews” for more helpful information.

emporium black nightshade truffles

White Swan Datura



Q: Do you offer wholesale pricing?

A: Sorry, we do not offer wholesale discounts. Please see our Packages page for the quantity discount we do offer. 

chocolate truffles with nightshades



Health/Medical Concerns

Q: Can I consume the truffles if I have the following (or any other) health/medical concerns?

  • Medications

  • Depression

  • PTSD

  • Pre-existing conditions

  • Pregnancy/breastfeeding/menstruation

A: Unfortunately we are not able to give medical advice of any kind. Additionally, there is not much in the way of reliable scientific studies on ingesting these plants in various amounts and the benefits and/or adverse effects in those different amounts. Mostly, we see large blanket statements without details to back them up. I spend a lot of time looking and have friends who work in the field of toxicology who I discuss this with as well. I cannot give you medical advice as I am not a trained medical doctor and due to the lack of information coming from scientific studies I can’t comment from that perspective either. I can only tell you that I know many of my customers do eat the truffles even though they take medications or live with various conditions and I have yet to hear of any bad reactions or negative experiences. It is for each person a personal choice which Emporium Black cannot take responsibility for. I think as with so many things, moderation is important. (Even though there isn’t much in an individual truffle, mugwort, wormwood, klip dagga, and calamus root should be avoided by anyone who is pregnant. Depending on the dose they can all stimulate the uterus. Please see our Shop by Plant page to see which truffles contain a particular plant.)

Q: How many grams of sugar are in each truffle. Do you have any sugar free varieties?

A: The truffles all have sugar in them. Most truffles have approx. 8gms of sugar and the ones with the white chocolate bases have approx. 16gms of sugar per truffle. We currently do not have any plans to release a sugar free variety, but maybe sometime further down the road.

emporium black nightshade truffles




Q: How long will I have to wait to receive my truffles?

A: I try to get all orders out the door within three weeks of receiving payment. Hopefully you will get your items sooner but being back in school is making the orders pile up faster. In cases of extreme heat I suggest the cold pack shipping option, and those orders will only go out on Mondays and Tuesdays. Orders in the United States go out Priority Mail USPS. International orders usually take 10-21 days (after sending) to receive but occasionally can take longer.

Q: Do you ship internationally?

A: Yes, we do.  Once processed, international orders are shipped via standard USPS First Class or Priority. First Class does not come with tracking. They usually take 10-21 days (after sending) to receive but occasionally can take longer. We have never had a problem with our product getting held up in Customs. They are accurately labeled as a cocoa preparation and no country seems to have a problem with chocolates.

Q: Will the chocolates melt during shipping?

A: Chocolate does not start melting until it reaches approximately 82 degrees F. The packaging I use insulates the chocolates from shock and warm temperatures. We have optional cold packing available (US only) for those living in hotter climates and we automatically add the cold packaging to all orders in the US during the summer months. The cold packaging upgrade can be found as an add-on on our products page. When you receive your package, if it has been exposed to a warm environment and the inside of the box is warm, please place your bags of truffles in the refrigerator for three hours before opening anything to reset the chocolates so they look like what you’ve seen in pictures. If this is not the case, please let us know so we can try to correct the problem. We have had great luck with international orders arriving in great condition even in the hottest of climates.

Q: How much does shipping cost?


US Shipping (prices do not include cold pack)

Up to 4 truffles for $11.00
5 to 12 for $13.00
13 to 17 for $15.50
18 to 34 for $20.00
35 to 60 for $30.00

Canadian Shipping (Prices are for economy shipping with no tracking. Priority shipping with tracking is available. See prices in cart)
Up to 4 truffles for $20.00
4 to 12 for $24.00
13 to 24 for $33.00
25 to 60 for $60.00

International Shipping (Prices are for economy shipping with no tracking. Priority shipping with tracking is available. See prices in cart)
Up to 4 truffles for $25.00
5 to 12 for $35.00
13 to 24 for $45.00
25 to 60 for $77.00

Cold Pack Option (US Shipping only)

If you live in a warmer climate where the temperature can consistently be above 85 degrees, I highly recommend including our cold pack option to your order.

The insulated foam shippers have a wall thickness of 1 ½ inches. They are lightweight, reusable, and recyclable. They are made in two pieces: a tight fitting lid and a seamless molded body. The smaller sized box (1-12 truffles) ships with two 24 oz frozen gel packs and the larger sized box (13-39 truffles) ships with three. Packages shipped with cold pack only go out on Mondays and Tuesdays so please allow for extra time.

emporium black chocolate nightshade truffles

Solandra nightshade truffles emporium black




Q: How should I store the truffles?

A:  If this package has been exposed to a warm environment please place your bags of truffles in the refrigerator for three hours before opening anything to reset the chocolates so they look like what you’ve seen in pictures. If this is not the case, please let us know so we can try to correct the problem.

Your truffles will always be the creamiest if you allow them to come to room temperature before eating. The truffles will last up to a year in an airtight container in the fridge and/or for quite a while in a cool dark place too. They seem to freeze well too if kept in an airtight container on top of the ziplocks their little boxes are already packed in.

Q: How long can I store the truffles?

A: The truffles will last up to a year in an airtight container in the fridge and/or for quite a while in a cool dark place too. They seem to freeze well too if kept in an airtight container on top of the ziplocks their little boxes are already packed in. Even at room temperature spoilage is not really an issue and their potency will not diminish. It’s more that over time the truffles texture will dry out and the flavor will become stale.  Your truffles will always be the creamiest if you allow them to come to room temperature before eating. 

henbane truffles emporium black chocolate

Egyptian Henbane


Other Questions/Topics

Q: Can one develop a tolerance for the different compounds in the truffles? Is the experience the same/predictable given everything else in your environment is relatively stable?

A: The experiences can change but you will find that even though they can be extremely profound, the ‘feel’ is always very subtle. You really have to meet the plant half way. Shrooms will make you trip whether you like it or not, and some strong cannabis will make you really stoned like it or not, and with both, you have to just wait for it to leave your system and start wearing off. With the nightshades you have to surrender to them. The more you are able to do this, the bigger the experience. If you have distractions you may not even be able to feel them, or if you do, you may only be mildly aware of a gentle feeling of euphoria. The trick is letting go of the need to control, as well as our expectations of what we think should happen. The plants take us where they want to take us and show us what they want to show us. And that's a great thing. The plants really do seem to know better than we do. That's why we are using them. That's why I use them. That's why they can be so instrumental in causing large shifts in thinking.

I also meant to say with the experiences that you can turn them off at any time by consciously distracting yourself. Again you may still feel the gentle euphoria but the conscious communication with the plants will cease. That's the having to meet them halfway part.

I think you’ll find with continued use that it may take less (truffle) to get to that same place which is partially why I don't offer a stronger variety. They are all quite strong as they are now, it just takes a little practice to work with them. When we eat them we are learning to use new parts of our brain and learning to exercise with muscles we've never used before. The more we do and practice these new things the more proficient and successful we become. There is only so much of the work the plant can do for us. We need to learn how to work with them and that is the part that takes practice.

Q: How did you start making the truffles?  Where did they come from?  

A:  The idea for the truffles came to me from the Fae. It's a classic combo and I was looking for a user-friendly way to make working with these kinds of plant medicine more accessible to people in a way that helped celebrate the union of people and plant spirits, and chocolate is the perfect union. The truffles have really made me appreciate and understand why some ancient cultures considered it a vehicle of the gods. It's interesting to see how much science backs its use as an entheogen and a partner to other entheogens as well.

Mandrake was the nightshade that initially called out to me. I suddenly, out of the blue, just became obsessed with it. I come from a different background and wasn’t really familiar with the more European-based occult and witchcraft practitioners that had been working with it for years so I did not have any prior information on it, accurate or not.

Q: How can I get the most out of my truffle experience?

A:  More tips on surrendering to the plants in these truffles: Sit quietly with your eyes closed. In your mind's eye, visualize how your lungs and ribcage expand and contract. Follow the rhythm fully and ride each cycle’s wave to its fullest extent. Try to be aware of the complete openness and connected fluidity in expansion (expansion of lungs and ribcage/slow inhaling) with the universe/creation/energy balanced by the nurturing and earthy, grounded hug of contraction (contraction of lungs/slow exhaling). Notice the pause at the end of contraction before expansion starts again. It is more silent and still than the calmest waters. Focus on that completely tranquil and silent spot as long as you can without having to hold your breath. Try to stretch that perfect calm and silent spot back into expansion and if you lose it, don’t judge that you lost it. Just reconnect with it at the end of the next contraction. Keep working on holding and stretching that tranquil stillness spot. That is the spot to cross over, to let go, to surrender. That is the spot where the plants in the truffles are waiting for you. Letting go on this level can cause fears and anxieties to arise for some, the unconscious fear of losing your sense of self. If you start experiencing it, know that it is a common instinct for some and rest assured you will not get lost by surrendering. The sensation can happen with deep meditation regardless if you are working with entheogens or not. Observe the anxiety without judgment and try to release it with the expansion and be comforted by the perfect stillness at the end of contraction.

When we sink into deeper meditative/trance states, we are able to leave this plane/realm of consciousness/reality that we usually inhabit and drop into deeper and deeper realms. As we start descending, the plant spirits’ presence becomes exponentially more apparent. When we can let go of our sense of self and be mere observers, the plant spirits with the truffles have greater opportunity to sing their sacred songs and dance their sacred dances, which can in turn give us visions and profound realizations, insights, and healing. Once we start getting to the places where we are able to start having deeper and more powerful experience with the truffles, there can be a natural inclination to try to jump into the grasp at it, consciously participate in it, control it, and read into its meaning instantly rather than to let all of it unfold organically. It is always best to resist this urge and to instead just silently observe without judgment or analyzing. Even if we can see ourselves out of body, just watch and listen. Watch and listen as that part of yourself talks with an ancestor, or spirit, or whatever. The more you resist actually participating, the more real the experience will become and the deeper and more fully you can submerge into those deeper realms. When we try to directly participate in these kinds of experiences, oftentimes we will get bounced out of the experience because our desire/instinct to take the reins returns us to our normal realm. If we do manage to stay in the experience, it will make the experience more dilute and it will always fail to meet its true potential. This all takes practice but these are the ways of shaman, mystics, healers, and monks from around the world for thousands of years regardless if they use sacred plants to help facilitate their work.

emporium black nightshade truffles

Datura Seedpods


A Podcast Interview with Seamus Black, Emporium Black's Chocolate Alchemist

Kathryn Solie of Persephone's Path interviewed Seamus about his journey to creating the truffles.  They discuss his time working with the Native American Church, living on a reservation, and how this inspired his vision for the truffles.  He explains how his relationship with the plants has developed and how their influence guides the creation of each truffle.  They also delve into their individual understandings of working with these plants and discover how similar their views really are!  Click on the button below and get to know more about the creator of these beautiful truffles.

emporium black nightshade truffles contact

Cocoa Pods


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