A Journey of Healing: How Emporium Black Truffles Restored My Spirit (Customer Review)

Inner Healing Truffle Experience Personal Transformation Spiritual Journey Self Discovery Emporium Black Nightshade Truffles Holistic Healing

Art by: Sivan Karim


Thank you so much for creating these truffles!

I have been dealing with a lot of stress in my life lately in both my work and personal life.

I have been following you on Instagram for a couple of years now I have been curious to try your truffles but it was only just recently that I was actually called too. I purchased your 7-truffle, 'Journey of the Self' sampler.

After reading about each truffle, I found I could not chose which would be most beneficial, and honestly, a number of them sounded interesting if nothing else. So I decided to let the..., cosmos? Spirit? Choose for me. I am very glad I did in the end. Your selection was Exactly right for me.

I have not been in a very good place for quite some time. I have been experiencing the very worst aspects of my job, with my health, and my relationships, and it had gotten to a point where I was no longer able to quiet my mind to even meditate successfully. I had begun to doubt myself in all aspects of my life. I was beginning to feel like I was at my end.

When I received your truffles I immediately put the individual boxes into a large bag, shook them up and placed them into my freezer until I could come back to them. I am a social worker- a court-appointed guardian to be specific, and I needed to wait until I knew I would be allowed time to myself to work with your truffles.

I will admit I did have a LOT of trepidation in trying these. My health is Not at its best. And I am quite sensitive to certain chemicals and substances. I actually cannot handle high doses of Tylenol or ibuprofen- 400mg is enough to make me drowsy. My doctor even found that to be..., strange. So, while I was full of anticipation, I was equally a bit anxious to try one for the first time.

My first one was the Dream Garden Nightshade truffle. While I am not a huge fan of chocolate and mint thrown together, I don't hate it, either. I grew up with peppermint patties and the like, so I felt the truffle would at least taste okay if I didn't get anything else out of the experience.

I am so thankful for you and your truffles. This first experience helped me So Much. I haven't been able to relax and go deep within in So many years. I was able to reach a place I honestly had never been before- a large lake. Very beautiful, somewhere between night and twilight. But my guides were there waiting for me. Some, I haven't seen since my first, learning days of journeying. Since then, in working with your truffles, I can remember my dreams again, and my sleep has been so restful. It has been like a reset button was switched on inside my spirit. I haven't walked barefoot anywhere in years, but now I cannot wait to get home and feel my feet actually touching the bare floor.

Each subsequent truffle has allowed me to open myself just a bit more, to dance, to cry, to feel, and to release some of the pain and negativity I had been holding onto. I am truly grateful.

I am fully aware I have a long journey ahead of me but now, I feel as if I can actually start along the path. I will most certainly be buying again. Thank you. - customer review by O.P.


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