The Puzzle of Who We Are
Truffle Tips, Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black

The Puzzle of Who We Are

I can deeply empathize with the feeling of having one or two extra puzzle pieces that no matter how hard we try to figure out where they belong, they just never seem to fit in. Consequently, we never seem to feel whole or complete. Perhaps the reason we can't find where they fit is because we assumed we had put the rest of the puzzle together correctly. Perhaps the finished image is supposed to look different from what we assumed.

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A Journey of Healing: How Emporium Black Truffles Restored My Spirit (Customer Review)
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A Journey of Healing: How Emporium Black Truffles Restored My Spirit (Customer Review)

…am so thankful for you and your truffles. This first experience helped me So Much. I haven't been able to relax and go deep within in So many years. I was able to reach a place I honestly had never been before- a large lake. Very beautiful, somewhere between night and twilight. But my guides were there waiting for me. Some, I haven't seen since my first, learning days of journeying. Since then…

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Trust! (Truffle Prompt)
Plants, Pathwork, Truffle Tips Emporium Black Plants, Pathwork, Truffle Tips Emporium Black

Trust! (Truffle Prompt)

Trust! We must learn to trust ourselves. If we can’t trust ourselves it is very hard to trust what we receive from the plant spirits, our ancestors, and any other relations that are trying to reach out to us. We need to let go of that need for validation. That we need someone to confirm what we think is true

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Forming Personal Relationships with the Plants
Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black

Forming Personal Relationships with the Plants

It can be cathartic to accept that these plants in our truffles really will form a relationship that is unique and special to each one of us as independent individuals. They aren't drugs or medications that are designed to affect everyone the same way. The plants in our truffles have so much more to offer and one of the greatest things that they do offer is their ability to recognize each person's needs and how best to help and heal each one of us based on each of our own particular strengths and weaknesses.

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Strengthening Our Connection with the Plants During Our Experiences
Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black

Strengthening Our Connection with the Plants During Our Experiences

In order to get the most from our experiences working with the plants in these truffles, we must stay quiet & reasonably still to stay truly connected to them once we consume them. The same was true even with my many experiences with Peyote. In Peyote meetings you sit in the same spot for approx.12 hours & for the most part you say nothing. You are supposed to keep your eyes focused mostly on the fire in the center of the teepee. Looking around at others and even shifting your body around too much is considered rude and distracting but these ‘rules’ also keep you plugged into the experience 100%.

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Gratitude (Truffle Prompt)
Truffle Tips, Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black

Gratitude (Truffle Prompt)

Gratitude. Even though I do see some people freely discussing the importance of gratitude, I think there are even perhaps more that struggle with the word and the concept. I believe this dichotomy of thought exists because of unhealthy connotations towards the idea of gratitude that so many carry from their own personal pasts.

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Q: Will the truffles make me drowsy?
Truffle Tips, Pathwork, FAQ Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Pathwork, FAQ Emporium Black

Q: Will the truffles make me drowsy?

Q: Will the truffles make me drowsy?

A: The truffles do tend to slow people down and can have a calming and sedative quality. I think for many in today’s world who are used to pushing ourselves so hard, the plants in these truffles help us see just how exhausted we sometimes are and that maybe that is something we need to look at in order to take better care of ourselves.

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Reverence for Our Inner Voice
Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black Pathwork, Truffle Tips, Plants Emporium Black

Reverence for Our Inner Voice

For me, a big part of working with these nightshade truffles and these plants is learning to tune in and trust our own inner voice and the guidance we are given from the plants and any other guides that are reaching out to us rather than having someone else tell us what something is or how something should be done. So many people are reaching out to their ancestors and other spirits and this is such a great way to wean ourselves off of a dependence on a middleman or books that may of may not be correct in what they are telling us.

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Gentle Expansion Without Being Altered
Plants, Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black Plants, Truffle Tips, Pathwork Emporium Black

Gentle Expansion Without Being Altered

As far as a fear of being ‘altered’, I have grown to having a very strong aversion to being altered myself. I don't drink or smoke pot and haven't for years. I no longer have any interest in using any entheogen that would make me 'trip' no matter how spiritual it supposedly is. That’s a big part of why I do love these truffles and these plants (nightshades). They really are that gentle. The amount is much more than a

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Out of the Shadows
Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black Plants, Pathwork Emporium Black

Out of the Shadows

My own thinking is that these sacred plants I grow and use, with nightshades in particular, are really no different than growing pretty much any other plant, even to the extent that most of them grow prolifically in their natural habitats.

If you are called to add ceremony and ritual to your technique, then let the plant guide you and your connection with the plant will be all the stronger for it but to me, that should be between you and the plant.

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Magic Boxes as Ceremony
Pathwork, Plants, Truffle Tips Emporium Black Pathwork, Plants, Truffle Tips Emporium Black

Magic Boxes as Ceremony

A sequence of photos showing the process of gathering the seeds from an Egyptian Henbane seedpod. I will never get over how adorable the whole setup is, with that delicate lid that has to be removed using the old dried flower for a handle to do so.

These plants can create powerful spiritual alliances with all of us and the details and interactions we have can be very different from one another.

In that way, to me, these plants are of the Fae & I delight at being able to participate in ceremonies of the Fae.

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Making Our Journeys Our Own
Truffle Tips, Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black

Making Our Journeys Our Own

Sacred, consciousness-altering plants have played a role in indigenous rituals & ceremonies around the globe for centuries. From continent to continent, plants have held different meanings for those who use them. At Emporium Black, we honor these sacred plants and their role in personal and communal journeys of healing and exploration through creating delicious truffles. Our gourmet chocolate truffles offer a gentle way to ingest sacred plants without causing hallucinations or an overwhelming experience.

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Between the Heartbeats
Truffle Tips, Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black Truffle Tips, Pathwork, Plants Emporium Black

Between the Heartbeats

These plants can teach us and show us things that we don't even know exist, more or less know what we need or would like to learn how to do. Peyote was the same. One cool trick it showed me many years ago that I still love is something I think a lot of customers would like trying with our nightshade truffles

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