Mandrake is a Gentle and Loving Teacher - The Sun King

Artist: Nicholas Kalmakoff

I spoke in one of my recent podcasts about a new place of awareness I've reached in working with Mandrake. During some recent reflection on what I’ve been trying to share with the truffles and the beautiful plants they contain, I realized that one of the strongest constants in my message has been to share the gentle and loving way in which nightshades teach and heal. I've come to understand that Mandrake requires a bit more work and dedication on my end to ensure the same level of gentleness and love that my customers expect from other truffles.


Over the years, people have asked me to make stronger truffles and to add a larger selection of entheogens besides nightshades. Though I usually resist that urge, I noticed that two truffles I created recently did not feel like the others. This realization made me understand that I needed to spend more time with Mandrake and reaffirmed that nightshades offer gentle experiences and a safe place to explore, feel love, and find healing.


For now, I have removed those two truffles from my offerings until I am guided as to how to rework them. I've reintroduced my original truffle with Mandrake, The Forest Faerie, which I crafted to bring out a more gentle, loving, and playful aspect in both the Mandrake and the Amanita Muscaria. On the Solstice, I prepared a new batch of the Sun King Nightshade Truffle, which also features Mandrake. I crafted it to enhance the gentle, loving, and nurturing aspects of Mandrake, infusing intention into every step.


The Wormwood oil I used was made recently from five pounds of material sent by friends in Wisconsin. The Elderberry base steeped with the Sun Opener may be my best base mix to date. The truffle came together with a new level of maturity, and after trying several, I find it to be much-needed nourishment for a tired and aching soul. It offers a soothing love that gently restores a heart and spirit traumatized by life’s abuses. Mandrake can feel different in how it teaches and feels inside us, but with this new level of understanding and intention, I feel confident that the Sun King may finally get the following it deserves.


Learning to Use the Unused Parts of Your Brain


Nightshade Truffle Tips: Deepening Meditation and Connecting with Plant Spirits