Nightshade Truffle Tips: Deepening Meditation and Connecting with Plant Spirits

Emporium Black Nightshade Truffle Tips Deep Meditation Trance States Plant Spirits Mystical Experience Consciousness Expansion Ancient Wisdom Transformative Healing Visionary Mystical Insight

Art by Tin Can Forest


More Nightshade Truffle tips: When we sink into deeper meditative/trance states we are able to leave this plane/realm of consciousness/reality that we usually inhabit and drop into deeper and deeper realms. As we start descending, the plant spirits’ presence becomes exponentially more apparent. When we can let go of our sense of self and be mere observers, the plant spirits with the truffles have greater opportunity to sing their sacred songs and dance their sacred dances which can in turn give us visions and profound realizations, insights and healing. Once we start getting to the places where we are able to start having deeper and more powerful experience with the truffles there can be a natural inclination to try to jump into the grasp at it, consciously participate in it, control it, and read into its meaning instantly rather than to let all of it unfold organically. It is always best to resist this urge and to instead just silently observe without judgement or analyzing...even if we can see ourselves out of body..just watch and listen. Watch and listen as that part of your self talks with an ancestor, or spirit, or whatever and the more you resist in actually participating, the more real the experience will become and the deeper and more fully you can submerge into those deeper realms. When we try to directly participate in these kinds of experiences, oftentimes we will get bounced out of the experience because our desire/instinct to take the reins returns us to our normal realm. If we do manage to stay in the experience it will make the experience more dilute and it will always fail to meet its true potential. This all takes practice but these are the ways of shaman, mystics, healers, and monks from around the world for thousands of years regardless if they use sacred plants to help facilitate their work.


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